
How to Slash Your Grocery Bill

If you're like most people, you tend to wander around the grocery store spontaneously adding hoards of unnecessary items to your cart. It's easy to go over budget if you're not careful so read on to learn how a few smart choices can save you thousands of dollars off your grocery bill each year!
  • Do you have loads of food but nothing to make dinner with? Planning your meals ahead of time will help you avoid this problem. A list will also help you avoid impulse purchases.
  • Never shop when you're hungry as you'll end up purchasing additional items you wouldn't normally buy such as delicious looking desserts.
  • Leave the kids at home as they always find ways to sneak extra items into the cart and can distract you from working out the best deals.
  • Don't be enticed by the items on display at eye level. Higher and lower level shelves are where the cheaper products are placed.
  • Make sure to compare unit prices to determine whether or not they're cheaper. The unit price is usually calculated under the main price - bigger isn't always better!
  • Try to buy large quantities when they're on sale as long as you can use them by the expiration date. Purchasing a second freezer will pay for itself in no time.
  • Don't forget to keep your coupons clipped to your shopping list or in your wallet. There's nothing more frustrating than realizing you've left them at home.
Lots of us are feeling the pinch due to rising food costs so now's a great time to change our shopping habits. By incorporating just two or three of these tips, you'll notice a substantial difference in your grocery bills. It adds up quickly - a weekly savings of $50 amounts to a staggering $2,600 a year!

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